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"Integrating the Experience with the Lessons in Philo 01"

Module 5 | Intersubjectivity

Our immersion emphasized the class concept of Intersubjectivity, the shared understanding between individuals. It showed the real importance of empathy and cultural sensitivity, emphasizing that genuine connections happen when we recognize and appreciate different perspectives. The experience reinforced the lessons in class about breaking down assumptions and truly understanding people's subjective experiences. It was a practical reminder that the concepts we learn gain true meaning when applied in real-life situations, especially when building connections with those facing challenges.

Module 6 | The Human Persons in Society

Our immersion helped us see real-life examples of what we learned about the “Human Person in Society”. It showed us how social differences, money problems, and the need for understanding affect people's lives. The experience made the sociological theories we studied in class more real, highlighting how personal challenges are connected to bigger social issues. It made us realize that studying the human person in society means recognizing and trying to fix the unfair differences that impact people's lives.

Module 7 | Human Person in His Environment 

Our immersion connected strongly with our class lessons on "Human Person in His Environment." It showed how people's living conditions affect their lives, tying in with ideas like how society and surroundings impact health and fairness. Seeing these women's strength in tough situations highlighted the importance of looking at the bigger picture when studying how people interact with their surroundings. It made clear that understanding people involves considering the dynamic relationship between individuals and their environments.

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